Friday 28 September 2012

Nail of the Week – OPI Unfor-greta-bly Blue

Firstly I just wanted to give my readers a quick apology for my absence! Then end of August and the majority of September has been crazy busy for me with end of uni module assignments, leaving my current job and about to start a new one, so my world has been turned a upside down over the past month with tonnes of things to finish and organise. Now onto the point of this post.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know that I have a love for OPI’s mini set collections and when shopping last week I picked up the Ger-Minis set. I loved the range of colours in this set as they are all perfect for autumn and are all unlike any other colours that I have. 

The first colour from this set that I am featuring on my blog is Unfo-greta-bly Blu. Unfor-greta-bly Blue, as always a cute and quirky name, is a deep navy blue with gives a super shiny finish when applied. The quality of the nail varnish is perfect, opaque after just 2 coats and long lasting.

If you would like to see the other polishes from the Ger-Mini’s set let me know and I shall get them up over the next few weeks. What is your favourite Autumn nail polish?

Friday 7 September 2012

Flossy Shoes

I don’t usually do fashion posts, in fact I’ve never written one before, but over the last few weeks I’ve fallen in love with this particular pair of shoes and had to tell you about them! Flossy is a shoe brand which was first established 25 years ago in Spain, originally worn by sailors and street performers in Barcelona.  Over the last few years the Flossy brand has spread all over the world and is now available throughout Europe, America, Canada, Australia and many more locations. 

I had never heard of Flossy shoes before until I recently went on holiday to Majorca, a Spanish Balearic island. I spotted them in quite a few shops in the town I was staying and the capital city of Palma but, for some unknown reason, I never went in to see what they were like! On a shopping trip recently I spotted Flossy in Office! Flossy have a range of shoes, including plimsoles, sandals and espadrilles. I decided to pick up the Office exclusive Flossy Canvas plimsoles which were £24.99, but the plain block colours are £19.99. 

These are possibly THE most comfortable shoes in the world! Whenever I buy new shoes I always worry about whether they are going to rub, hurt my feet and give me disgusting blisters. With Flossy’s this wasn’t the case AT ALL. I wore these for an 8 hour wander around London and didn’t have any problems what so ever! In fact, I felt like I was wearing slippers all day as they are soft, flexible and padded. 

Flossy’s are available from a variety of retailers in the UK, however, I have just ordered some more from the official UK Flossy website ( On here they have the full range of shoes, a free 48 hours courier service on weekdays in the UK and at the moment they have a special offer of buy 3 pairs get the 4th free, so my mum and I just ordered ourselves 2 pairs each! ;) This is a brand I will be keeping my eye on from now on as they are amazing shoes for such an affordable price!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Bourjois “Magic Nail Polish Remover”

I first heard of this product around a month ago when watching one of Zoella’s YouTube videos and I was instantly intrigued. As soon as I was out of my current nail polish remover I rushed out to grab myself this one!

The Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover is a pot which, when you remove the lid, has a foam inside with a hole in the middle. The foam is what contains the polish remover. To use this product you simply dip your finger in the hole, twist it, leave for a second, remove your finger and voila your polish is removed! This product has an acetone and paraben free formula, as well as being enriched with sweet almond oil, which means it is both gentle on nails and the cuticles. Another feature which really appealed to me is the fact that it has a rose and vanilla scent. Initially I thought this meant that they had removed the horrible nail polish remover smell BUT it is not the product in the bottle that smells like rose and vanilla so don’t do what I did and stick your nose in it and get a lovely whiff of the bog standard polish remover smell.  This product actually leaves your nails with a rose and vanilla scent. I absolutely loved this aspect as I hate the horrible remover smell lingering around after I’ve used it.

Now if you’re like me and get bored with the hassle of cotton wool, liquid nail polish remover everywhere and scrubbing polish off your nails then this product is definitely for you. At first I was a bit sceptical whether it would really work in a second but I was pleasantly surprised! I have used to remove a variety of polishes and it has worked every time. However, I haven’t used this on glitter polish though as I thought it may ruin the product with glitter particles in the foam. If any of you have used this product with glitter polish let me know the outcome and whether it affected the product itself for future uses.

Overall I am extremely impressed with this nail polish remover and for £4.99 it is a bargain :) Have any of you tried this Bourjois polish?