Wednesday 5 September 2012

Bourjois “Magic Nail Polish Remover”

I first heard of this product around a month ago when watching one of Zoella’s YouTube videos and I was instantly intrigued. As soon as I was out of my current nail polish remover I rushed out to grab myself this one!

The Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover is a pot which, when you remove the lid, has a foam inside with a hole in the middle. The foam is what contains the polish remover. To use this product you simply dip your finger in the hole, twist it, leave for a second, remove your finger and voila your polish is removed! This product has an acetone and paraben free formula, as well as being enriched with sweet almond oil, which means it is both gentle on nails and the cuticles. Another feature which really appealed to me is the fact that it has a rose and vanilla scent. Initially I thought this meant that they had removed the horrible nail polish remover smell BUT it is not the product in the bottle that smells like rose and vanilla so don’t do what I did and stick your nose in it and get a lovely whiff of the bog standard polish remover smell.  This product actually leaves your nails with a rose and vanilla scent. I absolutely loved this aspect as I hate the horrible remover smell lingering around after I’ve used it.

Now if you’re like me and get bored with the hassle of cotton wool, liquid nail polish remover everywhere and scrubbing polish off your nails then this product is definitely for you. At first I was a bit sceptical whether it would really work in a second but I was pleasantly surprised! I have used to remove a variety of polishes and it has worked every time. However, I haven’t used this on glitter polish though as I thought it may ruin the product with glitter particles in the foam. If any of you have used this product with glitter polish let me know the outcome and whether it affected the product itself for future uses.

Overall I am extremely impressed with this nail polish remover and for £4.99 it is a bargain :) Have any of you tried this Bourjois polish?