Tuesday 8 January 2013

My Goals for 2013

This post is a little bit different to those I usually write, but I thought for this year I would mix up my blog posts a little and branch out from just beauty reviews! I’m not one for making new year’s resolutions as, let’s be honest, the majority of resolutions I have made in the past never last for more than a week and I’m sure I’m not the only one who is in that boat! So, instead of resolutions I have decided to set myself some realistic goals for this year.

Become more organised

When I was at school I was always super organised with my work. I had everything in folders, a planner to keep up to date with my homework and everything was put away neatly at home. HOWEVER, since finishing school that’s gone downhill quite a bit! As I am both working pretty much full time and studying at university at the moment, I’ve found it hard to get the balance between both and, as a result of this, my studying gets put to the side with the attitude of “I’ll do it tomorrow” and I end up rushing it at the last minute to get my assignment in on time! So, this year I want to organise my time better to relieve the stress of getting everything done on time!

As well as getting more organised with my work/uni life, I want to organise my bedroom! Now, my bedroom isn’t the biggest room in the world and as I keep accumulating belongings, I run out of places to put them and my room is, to be honest, a complete BOMBSITE. So, throughout January I want to organise my space more effectively and keep it that way!

Get fit and eat healthier 

I’ve been going to the gym for around 3 years now, but it’s always been an on/off relationship. I’ll get really into going to the gym and get myself into a routine, however, this usually only lasts until I go on holiday. Whenever I return I never seem to have the motivation to keep going, make every excuse under the sun not to go and it gets put on the back burner. However, I love the way it makes me feel when I go. I am so much more awake, energetic and feel better about the way I look. My goal for this year is to try and go to the gym three times or more a week. 

As well as aiming to get fitter, I want to start eating healthier. This doesn’t mean I’m going to deprive myself of the food I love, but start to take the healthy option. 

Run 5KM

Along with my plan to get fit I want to train towards being able to run 5km. Running and myself have never really got along. Despite being able to power walk, power walk on a gradient, work out on the cross trainer, step machine or bike for long periods of time, I have never been able to run long distances! In the past I’ve always gone “Right, today I am going to run X distance” and when I’ve not been able to do it because I’m tired or my asthmas playing up, I give up. So, before the New Year began I found a 6 week training plan for a 5KM run. This training plan starts off basic, e.g run for 1 min, walks for 1 min, repeating 10 times and then gradually builds up the distance. I have just completed my first week of the training plan and so far so good! If you would like me to keep you up to date with how this training programme is going let me know! :)

Pass my current OU Module with a 1st or 2:1 

I have currently studying towards a Bsc degree in Mathematics with the Open University and recently just finished my first two modules with firsts in both! In November I started my next module and, although a lot harder than the previous, I am determined to pass this module with a first, if not a 2:1!

Be more positive 

I am one of these people who tend to see the worst in situations and if something goes wrong I get upset, rather than looking at what I can do to make it better. Due to this attitude I have stopped myself doing things in the past. I’ve always over thought what could happen, what if I embarrass myself, what if I can’t do it etc.   So, this year I am going to try and turn that round and have more of a “glass half full” mindset, rather than a “glass half empty.” You only have one life and you’re only young once, you might as well make the most of it!

Those are my goals for 2013! I’m going to try my best to keep up with them and shall keep you updated on how they are all going! :)

Have you set yourself any resolution/goals for 2013? Let me know what they are by leaving a comment below!