Thursday 11 April 2013

I Got My Tragus Pierced

Sorry I've been a little MIA recently! With work, final uni assignments and illness I haven't really found the time to blog!

However, during this time I finally took the step to having something done which I have wanted done for years! That something is a Tragus piercing! :)

I was alway put off by the thought of having a piercing done with a needle, as I've only ever had it done with a piercing gun before, and thought the pain would be too much as you're piercing through cartilage. After much deliberation and persuasion by one of my friends (who has had this and many other piercings done) I decided to take the plunge!

Now I'm not going to pretend I wasn't nervous. Going into the piercing parlour and into the room they carry out the piercing I was shaking like a leaf! I made one decision before I went in, and I recommend this to others who aren't confident with piercings or needles, DON'T LOOK AT THE TABLE!! This is where she had all her equipment and I knew this was just going to make matters worse.

The whole experience itself was over a lot quicker than I expected! First my ear was sterilised with a wipe, then the point was marked on with pen and a clamp placed on my ear. Now what I thought was going to be the worst part, the needle. This, in fact, was over so quickly and didn't hurt much at all. After piercing with the needle the jewellery was put into the hole. That was the bit that hurt the most. It felt like a hard pinch and it was over. Done in less than 2 minutes.

I was quite lucky and my piercing didn't bleed at all, but when I took one of my friends a week later hers bled quite badly. However, this is to be expected and doesn't mean anythings gone wrong. If you're thinking about having this piercing done and are prone to fainting/light headedness or don't like blood I recommend that you eat something substantial first as this will help.

It's now been three weeks since I've had this piercing and apart from a little stinging and discomfort for the first 2-3 days, which can be easily solved with some pain killers, and slight swelling, it's been no problem at all! I have to clean it twice a day with warm salty water and leave the original jewellery in for 12 weeks whilst it is healing.

I was so proud of myself for finally getting this done and absolutely love it!

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